Reports & Research
Browse the ESRB’s reports, risk dashboard and research papers.
ESRB Reports
The ESRB publishes reports on potential systemic risks arising in the financial sectors.
MoreAnnual Reports
The ESRB Annual Report provides the public with an overview of systemic risk analysis, policy measures to address these risks and compliance with its recommendations. It is usually published in July as part of the ESRB’s accountability obligations.
MoreASC Publications
The Advisory Scientific Committee (ASC) contributes to the public debate on macroprudential policy by publishing ASC Reports and ASC Insights.
MoreESRB risk dashboard
The ESRB risk dashboard is a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators of systemic risk in the EU financial system. It is published quarterly, one week after its adoption by the General Board, and is accompanied by an overview note that explains the recent development of the indicators.
MorePaper series
The ESRB Working Paper Series is run by the Advisory Scientific Committee. Its purpose is to collate high-quality research on systemic risk and macroprudential policy, thus informing the policymaking activities of the ESRB. The ESRB Occasional Paper Series is an outlet for the publication of analytical and policy work that has been conducted within ESRB expert groups.
MoreResearch programmes
The European Central Bank and European Systemic Risk Board are running the Alberto Giovannini Programme for Data Science, which aims to develop novel analytical methods and to foster interaction between the policymaking and research communities.