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Call for expressions of interest for the appointment of members to the ESRB’s Advisory Scientific Committee

12 May 2022

The European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) is seeking ten international experts in macroprudential policy and systemic risk to join its Advisory Scientific Committee (ASC).

The ASC is an integral part of the ESRB, providing advice and assistance at the request of the ESRB’s Chair or General Board. It consists of the Chair of the ESRB’s Advisory Technical Committee and 15 experts, who have a wide range of skills, experience and knowledge pertaining to all relevant financial market sectors Members of the ASC are appointed by the General Board.

ASC members are expected to contribute in a significant way to the fulfilment of the ESRB’s mandate, for instance by:

  • improving analytical methodologies to detect systemic risks and assess their potential impact;
  • designing and improving effective macroprudential policy tools and models;
  • performing consultative tasks, including open, independent and analytical reviews of macro-prudential strategies and operational frameworks, and thus contributing to a state-of-the-art ESRB policy framework.

ASC members are chosen by the ESRB’s General Board on the basis of their general competence and breadth of experience in academic fields or other sectors, in particular in small and medium-sized enterprises or in trade unions, or as providers or consumers of financial services. Employees of institutions from which the General Board draws its members are not eligible to apply.

Applications will be considered on the basis of the following selection criteria:

  1. in-depth expertise in the financial sector and its relationship with the wider economy, and a general proven competence on systemic risk issues, in particular at the EU level;
  2. a scientific contribution to the understanding of the interplay between the sectors of banking, securities markets, insurance and occupational pensions;
  3. a PhD in finance, economics or another relevant field, or equivalent qualifications, solid academic experience in a university (e.g. professorship) in one or more fields of relevance to the ESRB, and/or a strong publication record;
  4. the ability to peer review scientific work and publications and to analyse complex information and dossiers;
  5. professional experience in a multidisciplinary environment, preferably in an international context;
  6. proven written and oral communication skills in English, based on teaching experience, public presentations, active participation in meetings of experts, and publications.

The ten candidates selected will be appointed to the ASC for a renewable four-year mandate and will be required to respect the professional secrecy obligations laid down in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 1092/2010, as amended by Regulation (EU) No 2019/2176, and the rules on confidentiality. They will be entitled to indemnities and to the reimbursement of expenses related to their participation in the activities of the ASC. Candidates who are not appointed to the ASC but were not rejected during the selection process will be placed on a reserve list, which will be valid for a period of two years.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications to ascapplications@esrb.europa.eu no later than 23:59 CET on 24 June 2022.

In line with the ECB’s commitment to gender diversity, applications from female candidates are particularly encouraged.

For media queries, please contact William Lelieveldt, tel.: +49 69 1344 7316.


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